About me

My name is Dea Natasha. I was born on 23rd June 2004 in Johor. I am the youngest in my family of four.

I live with my older brother, mom and grandma in the city of Johor Bahru. I am studying in Selangor.

Personal info

I miss my family since I am now living so far away from them. It has been almost two years since I moved out to study in Selangor.

Contact info

My family

I have a brother who is two years older than me. He is studying in Johor Bahru and is taking care of our family.

My mom is my best friend. We are very close and share a lot of same interests.

My grandma and I are also close

My parents

I only have my mom but she is my world. She turns 53 years old this October.

I consider my grandma as my parent too because she helped raise me and my brother ever since we were born.

My favourites


  1. Grilled chicken chop
  2. Chocolate moist cake
  3. Char kuetiau


  1. Coco
  2. How to Train Your Dragon
  3. Barbie movies


  1. My mom
  2. My grandma
  3. My best friend, Asyiqin